Break Out the Shades: Bright Future Ahead
November 16, 2023

In a world where change is the only constant, the Aging While Black (awB) community has stood as a beacon of hope, resilience, and empowerment for Black elders across the country. As we reflect on the past year, we’re filled with excitement and gratitude for the incredible journey we’ve embarked on. From Chicago to Minneapolis, from Stanford University to Denver, and from ASA Live to insightful interviews, awB has been embraced with open arms and eager hearts.

The AgeGuide Summit in Chicago was a pivotal moment for awB. It was there that we witnessed firsthand the power of community and shared purpose. The enthusiasm in the room was palpable as we delved into discussions on aging, equity, and the importance of centering the experiences of Black elders. We left Chicago with a renewed sense of commitment to our mission.

Minneapolis welcomed us with open arms during the Fall Aging Conference. Here, we had the privilege of engaging in thoughtful conversations and sharing stories with individuals who are dedicated to improving the lives of older adults. The message was clear: there’s a pressing need for change, and awB is at the forefront of this movement.

The Advanced Care Planning Summit in Denver, CO provided an opportunity for us to explore crucial topics surrounding aging and healthcare. Our presence there was a testament to the growing recognition of the importance of addressing the unique needs and challenges faced by Black elders in healthcare decision-making.

And then, there was the Century Summit at Stanford University, a gathering of some of the brightest minds and thought leaders in the field of aging. We were honored to be a part of this event, where we shared our vision for a future where Black elders are not just heard but celebrated for their wisdom, resilience, and invaluable contributions to our society.

But the awB journey doesn’t stop there. In Denver, we connected with a passionate group of individuals ready to delve deeper into the vertical approach of awB. Their commitment to our cause is inspiring, and together, we will continue to create meaningful change in the lives of Black elders.

We also had the incredible opportunity to participate in Beyond Generations ASA Live. It was an electrifying kickoff event for ASA’s live streaming content, and the reception we received was overwhelming. It reaffirmed our belief that the awB community is ready and eager for more conversations, more insights, and more action.

In the midst of all these achievements, we are acutely aware that our work is far from done. As we approach the end of the year and prepare for holiday observations, we are reminded of the importance of coming together as a community. awB must continue to expand its reach, extending its arms to welcome all those who believe in our mission.

In these volatile and divisive times, Aging While Black stands as a resolute advocate for Black elders. We refuse to be silenced or sidelined. Instead, we will amplify our voices and represent the interests of Black elders in an unapologetic manner. We are here to champion their rights, celebrate their stories, and create a world where aging is not a burden but a source of strength and wisdom.

And there’s more exciting news on the horizon. We recently had the privilege of interviewing Joann Jenkins, the CEO of AARP. Her insights and perspectives on aging and equity were both enlightening and inspiring. We can’t wait to share this important conversation with you, our dedicated community.

As the pace of life slows down in the coming weeks, we are filled with gratitude for all that we have accomplished together. But we also look forward to the future with unwavering determination and hope. There’s much work to be done, and we are more committed than ever to continue our journey towards a world where Black elders thrive, age with dignity, and are valued for the treasures they are.

Join us in this journey of growth, resilience, and advocacy. Together, we can make a difference, one story, one conversation, and one action at a time. Thank you for being a part of the Aging While Black community, and here’s to an even brighter future ahead, sunshades and all.