Transforming the Aging Landscape: A Vibrant Network in Action
September 5, 2024

At Aging While Black, we exist to transform the aging landscape by cultivating a vibrant network of partners, innovations, and opportunities that centers Black elders.

Through my eyes, I see this purpose coming to life—a vibrant network emerging in every corner of our nation. This network is infused with the energy, wisdom, and resilience of Black elders, and strengthened by the vision, dedication, and transformative power of organizations, philanthropic leaders, and community allies. This is more than just a collection of individuals and entities; it is a living, breathing movement, weaving together the threads of community, innovation, and purpose. As this tapestry grows, it is redefining what it means to age while Black in America, transforming challenges into opportunities, and sparking a revolution in how we celebrate, support, and empower our elders.

To say I am excited would be a profound understatement! But in addition to excitement, I am also filled with profound optimism.

The Power of a People-Centered Movement

I am optimistic because I see the tangible impact of this network in real-time. Our collective efforts are not just imagining, but actively building a future where Black elders thrive. This movement is powered by the people at its heart:

This is a movement grounded in action. Each partnership, conversation, and new connection strengthens our resolve and amplifies our reach.

A Closer Look

Los Angeles: Sankofa Elders Project
In Los Angeles, the Sankofa Elders project exemplifies what our network can achieve. It serves as a model in how Black elders, armed with their lived experience, wisdom, and collective strength can be at the forefront of creating a vision of care and dignity for their community. In the words of Carlene Davis – “The Sankofa Elders project is about more than just addressing disparities—it’s about reclaiming our narrative, our power, and our place in the future of our communities.”

New Orleans: National Urban League Conference
At the National Urban League conference in New Orleans, the energy was palpable as we engaged with over 40 dynamic CEOs from across the country. Many of these leaders, representing some of the most influential organizations in the nation, are now part of our movement. Their involvement is a powerful signal that change is on the horizon.

Nationwide: Horizontal Groups
Our horizontal groups are the heartbeat of our network’s innovation. Composed of individuals from diverse backgrounds and regions—urban, suburban, and rural—these groups are where ideas are born and nurtured. Whether focusing on caregiving, brain health, social connectedness, or economic mobility, these groups drive forward solutions that are both locally informed and nationally relevant. Their work is a testament to the power of collaboration across distances and differences, unified by a shared vision for the future.

Denver: Growing Leadership and Community Engagement
In Denver, the leadership team continues to grow, along with the number of community members actively engaged in the Aging While Black initiative. This brilliant and accomplished group is passionately committed to Black aging, and they have developed a plan for action that they are executing with precision and dedication. Their efforts are raising awareness of Aging While Black across Denver, making it a vibrant hub of activity within our national network.

Detroit: A Hub of Passionate Advocacy
Finally, Detroit is poised to become a critical nucleus for our movement, thanks to the incredible dedication of local advocates who are passionately committed to aging and Black aging in particular. In Detroit, I met individuals whose passion and determination are unmatched. They are tackling the challenges of aging head-on, with a focus on creating solutions that are as innovative as they are impactful. Detroit is proving to be a powerful example of how local action can drive national change.

A Call to Action: Amplify Our Efforts

As we continue to build this vibrant network, we are not just addressing the challenges of aging while Black; we are reimagining what is possible. Every conversation, collaboration, and act of advocacy adds another thread to the tapestry of this movement—a tapestry that grows stronger and more vibrant with each passing day.

Now is the time to amplify our efforts. Whether you are an elder, a community leader, a policymaker, or someone who simply believes in the power of this movement, your voice and your actions are crucial. Join us in this journey to transform the aging experience for Black Americans. Together, we can create a future where every Black elder is empowered to thrive, where their contributions are celebrated, and where their wisdom lights the path for generations to come.

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